We blend deep understanding of our clients’ business, the industry, and our expert legal and technical knowledge and experience, to generate new ideas and solutions, new business structures, and new relationships.

Direct tax is tax on the income earned, accrued or received in India, which is governed by the Income Tax Act, 1961 (IT Act). India also have a vast network of tax treaties with several countries for the purposes of avoidance of double taxation on the income of the persons or the enterprises investing in India or doing business with or in India.

Indirect tax is chargeable on the consumption of the goods and services in India. Before July 1, 2017, India had a complex indirect tax regime with multiple taxes levied at multiple stages of transactions, such as excise duty, service tax, value added tax, purchase tax, central sales tax, octroy etc. However, from July 1, 2017, all the multiple taxes have been….

We excel in undertaking financial and tax audits as mandated by different statutes in India. We also provide support functions to our clients in form of stock audits, due diligence and financial reviews for any merger or acquisition.
The purpose of auditing is to satisfy the users of financial statements that the accounts presented to them are drawn up on correct accounting principles together….

Developments around the world have resulted into much anticipated globalised businesses and professional set-ups, resultantly investments in cross border businesses which has also been possible because of the rationalisation of exchange control regulations and bilateral tax treaties between the countries for avoidance of double taxation of the income earned by a person resident of one country from another country.

In the current World economic climate where India is adjudged as the strongest emerging economy, India’s continued commitment towards adoption and implementation of International standard policies on fair value accounting, tax evasion, money laundering, corruption etc., has provided a sense of encouragement and confidence to the investor community at large.

In India, inheritance and succession planning is complicated as one has to deal with several laws affecting the structuring. These include specific inheritance laws for the society related to testament or intestate bequeathals, regulations related to flow of foreign currency, as well as taxation laws, which are constantly revised. The above-mentioned laws along with the personal laws os individuals of a family…